Who are these two angels?


Just to let you know, bug spray, two women saved you ass!


You don't know him, I do. He is a gentle, good, man. He doesn't deserve this. Our family doesn't deserve this.


You made a judgment call? To punch a women in her face?

A.D.A. Barba

A.D.A. Barba: I know that was wrong.
Martin: Now that the video has been made public?

Fin: One, you can't take this job home with you.
Rollins: I'm working on that.
Fin: Two, you can't take anyone from this job home with you.

Rollins: All I know is that you can't save somebody who doesn't want to be saved. Trust me, I've tried.
Fin: Does Nick agree with that.

We all don't need to be saved.


I'm concerned about your son's safety. I'm concerned about your safety. I'm not concerned about the public perception of black men.


I'm sure there are times that he makes you feel incredibly special. But that doesn't make up for the times that he hurts you.


I heard there's anger management? A.A? We'll go. Anything.


Martin: What I'm saying is, my reflexes weren't 100%
Benson: They seemed pretty good to me.