I tore these out of your symbol and they turned into paper, but I wanna put them back, so...


We gotta go to the crappy town where I'm a hero.


Book: What are we up to, sweetheart?
River Tam: Fixing your Bible.

Ah, hey! I got an idea. Instead'a us hangin' around playin' art critic 'til I get pitched by The Man, how's about we move away from this eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?


Wash: I think they captured him, though, you know, captured his essence.
Kaylee: Looks sorta angry, don't he?
Wash: That's kinda what I meant.

This must be what going mad feels like.


You're like a trained ape! Without the training!


Jayne: Listen, Mal, I was in Canton a few years back. I might have made me a few enemies thereabouts.
Simon: Enemies? You? No! How can it be?

Bye now! Have good sex!


Simon: I swear...when it's appropriate
Kaylee: Simon, the whole point of swearin' is that it ain't appropriate.

Ricky: OK funny guy, I have one question for ya before you officially become the little brother I never wanted. I'm interested in what your idea of family is, and what the word means to you -- family.
Rusty: I guess it means that the people in your life that you've decided to love no matter what and the people that are going to love you back, no matter what.
Sharon: It sounds pretty good to me, loving each other no matter what.
Ricky: Not bad. OK, little brother. Do you have any questions for me?
Rusty: Yeah. Just one. Who cuts your hair?

Sharon: His impulse was right. It's the way he acted on it that requires a response.
Provenza: Bad impulse control; that's what keeps us all in business.