Her baby's ugly honey and somebody's got to tell her or else it's going to get crucified on its first day of school.


One, get your ass off my case files. Two, in order to be friends I would have to trust you and I will never, ever trust you.


He knows me. The good, the bad, the ugly, the awful and he, he still wants me. Maybe all the more because of it.


Ya know anabolic steroids are illegal in the United States. You got an awful lot of facial hair for a teenager. Seriously. What are you on?


Scott: What are you smiling about?
Derek: You're gonna be good at this.

I went all the way there to find a Sorrento and I have one right here.


Being good all the time gets you nowhere!


Oh! I spilled the beans.


Saffron, you even think about playin' me again, I will riddle you with holes.


Wash: Captain, don't you know kissing girls makes you sleepy?
Mal: Sometimes I just can't help myself.

See, Vera? You dress yourself up, then you get taken out somewhere fun.


Okay! Everybody NOT talking about sex, in here. Everyone else, elsewhere!
