I don't know what the point is of this, of democracy and freedom and patriotism if there are no white hats. If everyone is evil. If the deck is always stacked. If everyone I love is a monster. If no one is worth saving, what's the point?


Can you just be, I don't know, nice for a minute, to me? Can you be a dad? Normal, kind, regular dad, for just a few seconds for me, please? I'm asking here, really asking, because I really need it. I need my dad.


Rowan: What?
Olivia: You could say hello.
Rowan: Hello, Olivia. What do you want?

I don't have to say a word. She just looks at me and sees who I am and how I feel and accepts it. She doesn't try to change it or wants to change it. That person. There's a billion people but I imagine there's only one of her.


This was my call. I am protecting the Republic. I keep this country running. I do what needs to be done. I am Command.


We overthrew the government today. I'm thirsty.


Jake: It's unfortunate. Life is unfortunate. Random. Coincidental. Bad things happen to good people all the time.
Olivia: No, you make bad things happen to good people.

Cristina: She's hot, right?
Meredith: Have you give up on men?

It puts the fun in fundoplication.


[to Adnan] I don't make bombs. I make money.


Anastasia and Will. We already had all the magic we needed.

The Red Queen

We all come into each others lives for a reason, sometimes it's just a different one than we thought.
