Ted: Uh Barney who's taller, me or you?
Barney: You're taller, I wear lifts in all my shoes.

Screw tomorrow, lets go big tonight.


John: Off to dance class?
Kathryn: As a matter of fact, I am. And after that, I'm going to go see my psychiatrist. See ya.

Kathryn: Enough about the dinner, John. In case you haven't noticed, I've been really sad lately.
John: And flitting around with him is gonna help?

Do you think I would feel differently about being deaf if I remembered what it was like to hear?


In my experience, coaches are hardest on the players they think have real talent.


Cyril: I'm sorry, the money is where?
Archer: Uh, in your masturbators, you idiot.

You'd be amazed what you people do when you think you're alone. Cyril.


Lana: Right about here is the part where I hold you responsible.
Archer: Oh my God, the burden.

Lana: If anything goes wrong, I'm holding YOU responsible.
Archer: Yeah, that'll teach me.

Archer: It's the A-Team meets Scarface. That makes me...uh...
Lana: Hannibal Montana?

The point is, we are highly trained covert operatives with an extremely dangerous set of skills. And since the government has unjustly accused us of treason, we are now forced to transfer those skills from espionage to criminal activity. Kinda like the A-Team. But we sell drugs
