Seduction isn't a game. It's powerful, and power always has a cost. You have to be willing to be used, violated, culpable, even betrayed to successfully seduce an asset, but no matter how successful you are in completing your mission, waking up and accepting what happened the night before is one of the hardest parts of the job. Now, over the next few weeks, every single one of you will cross a line you never thought possible because you are the ultimate weapon to use on people you've never met, those you love, sometimes your country, and even yourself.


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Quantico Season 2 Episode 9: "Cleopatra"
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Quantico Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

The easiest way to pick someone up is from the bottom of the heap. You want information? Seduce your asset.


Hannah: All right, Parrish, what did you get yourself into this time?
Alex: Hannah? What are you doing here?
Hannah: I think the better question is, what are you doing here. The center of a conspiracy that no one magically knows about but you, again? Alex Parrish, national hero in the wrong place at the right time two years running.