She drained the accounts. Gave it all to a bunch of sick kids! She's good, that sister of mine. Taking something perfectly illegal and making it legal!


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Supergirl Season 6 Episode 3: "Phantom Menaces"
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Supergirl Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes, Supergirl Quotes
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Supergirl Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

Alex: What's my purpose now? What's the point of trying anything else?
Kelly: Baby...Loss is different for everyone, but it hurts the same. And I will sit with you, right here.
Alex: I can't breathe. I feel like I don't even deserve air.

When I landed on Earth, I was alone. My adoptive mother raised me as her own with kindness and compassion. And my sister, she showed me what it truly means to be strong. To love so fiercely, it hurts. She taught me what it means to be human. She was my first companion on this planet. Without her, I wouldn't be the hero, the person I am today.
