This is exactly where we're supposed to be. Home.


It took months, but I watched time repair itself. The red forest is gone for now. A memory of tomorrow.


Cassie: The Witness has his own machine?
Cole: We need to find it.

Cole: What if it's not over? The red forest. The plague. The Witness. What if Ramse never got him?
Cassie: I think we'd know.
Cole: How?
Cassie: We're still here. Your words. Time didn't collapse. Maybe this is just how it's meant to be.

Cole: You don't get it. I can't travel through time anymore. I don't have a machine.
Lillian: James Cole does not need a machine. Go down the rabbit hole.

Cole: Hey Jennifer... I'm Cole.
Jennifer: Are you real Cole?
Cole: Listen, I'm sorry I can't stick around, but do me a favor from this point forward don't ever call me otter eyes again.

Ramse: Well that took you long enough brother.
Cole: Saving your ass takes time.

Look at those towers Dr. Railly. Titan is his machine.


Cassie: Where is the Witness?
Tall Man: He's safe. One of two travelers outside of time. You brought him here Cassandra. The Witness is here... Mother.

12 Monkeys Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

It took months, but I watched time repair itself. The red forest is gone for now. A memory of tomorrow.


This is exactly where we're supposed to be. Home.
