Last night's data showed these anomalies multiplying in the time stream. An increase of 80%, these levels are unprecedented. It's almost as if the structure of spacetime is collapsing onto itself.

Dr. Adler

Cassie: Oh my god, you like it here.
Cole: What's not to like?

Cole: Locked up for delusions and voices in the head. That sound like anybody we know?
Cassie: Jennifer Goines. Yes, she's crazy too. How is this news?
Cole: She's not just crazy. She's...
Cassie: She's what? Special?
Cole: Yeah. She is. Maybe Tommy is too.

We stopped their plan to release the virus. Whatever is going on now, he's got nothing to do with.


Jones: We should go.
Cassie: To 1944? You want to just travel back through time 100 years to a world at war? Where people were paranoid and archaic? Cole can barely navigate 2016.
Cole: I'm standing right here.
Jones: That's why I'd like you to accompany him. You've seen the Messengers. Seen their faces. You can identify them before they strike.
Cassie: The fight against the plague starts in 2016.
Jones: The first battle may very well have been in 1944.

With the increase of temporal anomalies, the science has become even more inexact. The two of you could arrive hours apart. Maybe days.


He isn't the primary. We have the right name, but the wrong man.


Cassie: How is any of this possible? How can he know?
Cole: Jennifer calls it being primary.
Cassie: Primary?
Cole: They're connected to time somehow. They're not just crazy. The delusions. The voices in their head. They're real.

12 Monkeys Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Cassie: Oh my god, you like it here.
Cole: What's not to like?

Last night's data showed these anomalies multiplying in the time stream. An increase of 80%, these levels are unprecedented. It's almost as if the structure of spacetime is collapsing onto itself.

Dr. Adler