We've recruited others. We're not the only ones that have given up on Jones.


Cole: So its come to this, huh?
Ramse: It doesn't have to. You can just walk away, let us use the machine.
Cole: Not gonna happen. There's no time.

Jennifer: Mayday, Mayday, terrorists have taken over the Nakatomi Building, Century City.
Cole: I don't know what that means.
Jennifer: It means McClane, that I know why you're here. They've got your machine and you want me and my daughters to be the cavalry.
Cole: Will you help?
Jennifer: Have I ever said no to you?

Today is the day. One that ends at the beginning, and begins at the end.


Why don't we have a drink and talk about killing Ramse? Just like the old days.


Jones: You fool, we are all dead if Cole doesn't go to 1957.
Ramse: All your theories. All your missions. Bullshit.

Jennifer: Are you willing to let someone you love die for your mission? For the good of the world? Say it.
Cole: I am.
Jennifer: And when you do, never look back.

12 Monkeys Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Cole: So its come to this, huh?
Ramse: It doesn't have to. You can just walk away, let us use the machine.
Cole: Not gonna happen. There's no time.

We've recruited others. We're not the only ones that have given up on Jones.
