Elsa: Wanna know my greatest fear about dyin'? It's bein' forgotten. And I can't understand why, 'cause I won't be here to know anyone forgot me. What a silly thing to scare me.
James: Nobody's gonna forget you, Elsa. And you ain't dyin'. You should be dead, but you pay about as much attention to the rules of nature as you pay of mine.
Elsa: You look at me like I'm dyin'.
James: I look at you for what you are -- the most important thing to me on this planet. That comes with a lot of worry. 'Cause I can't replace you.

I've lost a daughter, too. Time will come you'll blame yourself, think it's your fault for givin' her so much rein. Maybe it is your fault. But I don't say it is. I've watched this girl for the last six months, and she has outlived us all. I'm 75 years old, and she has out-smiled me, out-loved me, out-fought me. She's outlived me. She's outlived all of us.


Wade: It was a helluva thing ridin' with you.
Elsa: It was a helluva thing ridin' with you.
Colton: It wasn't the damndest drive that I was prettier 'an you. You'll always be the one that got away, Elsa.
Elsa: Colton, you gotta be pretty damned good lookin' to think the one you never had got away from you. Go back to Texas, you pretty son of a bitch.

Elsa: Y'all made good time. Went from prairie to pine trees in less than a day.
James: We left the fort three days ago.

To survive the frontier, you must learn to recognize those who won't and be wary of their doomed decisions. They are to be avoided at all costs because their fear is tragedy's closest cousin, and tragedy is contagious in this place.

Elsa [internal]

Spotted Eagle: That was quite the battle, huh?
Elsa: It was a good one.

Shea: Your daughter needs a doctor.
James: What good's a doctor gonna do? You've been to war. I have, too. Three days. Her liver either heals or it fails. And if it heals, she's got another week, maybe.

Elsa: Where we goin'?
James: Montana, honey.
Elsa: Wonder what that'll be like.

Josef: So, we do this now?
Shea: Not yet. Not til you get so drunk you can't see straight. You need about half that bottle in ya.
Josef: I'm German. [chuckles] Half this bottle, I'm just hitting my stride.

Sure glad I didn't get shot in the leg.


The numbing shock of war is behind me now. Pain has taken its place. Hurts to move. Hurts to breathe. The back of my head throbs with every step of my horse. I look at the world through the hazy lens of fever and somehow see it clearer. What is death? What is this thing we all share? Rabbits, birds, horses, trees, everyone I love and everyone who loves me. Even stars die, and we know absolutely nothing of it.

Elsa [internal]

Elsa: You birds sure are smart. I understand it now.
James: Understand what?
Elsa: I know what it is. I'm not scared. Not scared, daddy.

1883 Season 1 Quotes

You've got no horses, no guns, you can't ride. You are a fuckin' fool thinkin' you can travel two thousand miles with no skills to survive it.


That should answer any questions about how dangerous this journey will be. It will be that and worse, all the way to Oregon.
