Athena: My advice, you let it go long enough, there ain't no coming back from "fine." Everything was fine in my marriage until the bomb went off.
Hen: Athena, I appreciate your concern, but we're good. Karen's not a bomb waiting to go off.
Athena: I wasn't talking about her.

Yoga instructor: They say when a full moon's half way between the eastern horizon and it's highest point it can induce labor.
[Three pregnant women scream]
Yoga Instructor: I knew I should have cancelled this class.

Bobby: You read this in a peer-reviewed, scientific publication?
Buck: I don't know. Is the internet considered a scientific publication?

Abby: I do not buy into all that full moon BS.
Buck: Buy into? No, no, no, it is science. Every full moon, the freaks come out. Crime increases, emergency rooms are packed, animals and kids go nuts.
Abby: No, in my experience, anyone who is going to be an idiot on the full moon, is going to be an idiot on the half moon, or the quarter moon, or the new moon.

9-1-1 Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Abby: I do not buy into all that full moon BS.
Buck: Buy into? No, no, no, it is science. Every full moon, the freaks come out. Crime increases, emergency rooms are packed, animals and kids go nuts.
Abby: No, in my experience, anyone who is going to be an idiot on the full moon, is going to be an idiot on the half moon, or the quarter moon, or the new moon.

Bobby: You read this in a peer-reviewed, scientific publication?
Buck: I don't know. Is the internet considered a scientific publication?