Blair: I heard a proposal gone wrong can scar a guy for life.
Chimney: Yeah, I heard that, too.
Eddie: Give me a break.

When you know, you know.


Hen: Maybe your nerves are trying to tell you something.
Chimney: Like what?
Hen: Like maybe you shouldn't be getting married!

Chimney: What if this is something she doesn't even want?
Hen: You two still haven't talked about this since the accounting thing? I thought you said you were gonna discuss it.
Chimney: It's too awkward. If I bring it up now, she's just gonna think it's cause that accountant brought it up. It's like that guy beat me to the punch.
Hen: Or maybe he gave you a perfect opportunity to have an open and honest discussion about marriage.

Hen: Why is this always about what Maddie deserves? And what's best for her. What about what Chimney deserves?
Buck: They both deserve to be happy.
Hen: You're right. You're absolutely right.
Buck: No, don't do that. You're still blaming Maddie.
Hen: I'm not blaming her. All I'm saying is that their relationship has been one trauma after the other from the beginning. Maybe they both need to heal from that before jumping into marriage.

Chimney: Well, it's not that I don't know. It's just don't want to screw this up.
Bobby: You're not gonna screw this up.
Maddie: Screw what up?

Ravi: Look, I just want it noted, for the record, I did say that was probably a bad idea.
Eddie: Not the time!

Chimney: I was wrong. I don't think this was a good idea. I can't handle Maddie turning me down.
Hen: Chim-
Chimney: I'm not doing it. Rings going back tomorrow. Wedding's off.

Josh: Do you want to marry Chimney?
Maddie: I don't know. There's a part of me that never wanted to marry anyone again.
Josh: But this is Chimney. A completely different situation. He's amazing. And sweet. And he loves you to no end.
Maddie: Yes, he is all of those things. And we are committed to each other because we're raising our daughter.
Josh: Exactly!
Maddie: Exactly! So, why do we need to get married?

Captain Maynard: But I'm actually more curious as to what you were doing here in the first place.
Athena: Finding out that our suspect wasn't dead.

Jee-Yun: Ice cream!
Maddie: Oh, great. You're supposed to be in bed.
Jee-Yun: Ice cream!
Chimney: Mine as well let her eat some. Could be the last time we have a late-night snack with our daughter before they haul us off to jail.

Buck: You know, you might say death, and I are old acquaintances. Maybe even friends for a moment.
Natalia: Lucky you. How'd you pull that off?
Buck: I died. Just for a few minutes. Struck by lightning.

9-1-1 Quotes

Maddie: I guess I just want my little girl to have a normal family. You know, uncles and grandparents that she might actually know.
Buck: Well then maybe you shoulda got knocked up by a guy who has one of those.

Eddie: You're a badass under pressure, brother.
Buck: Me?
Eddie: Hell yeah. You can have my back any day.
Buck: Yeah. Or, you know, you could have mine.
Eddie: Deal.