Rome: What are you doing? If you keep that up, they won't let you in.
Walter: Oh, no. Does that mean I'll miss Mervin the Magnificent?

Eddie: How dare you come in here and tell me what's best for Charlie?
Delilah: Eddie, put yourself in my shoes. One minute I'm on an airplane, and the next minute my daughter is in surgery. Eddie: Your daughter; that's the problem, she's our daughter, D. The second Charlie was born you acted like you were the mom, and I was the babysitter.
Delilah: That's so unfair.
Eddie: Yes, it is unfair, because I'm her dad and if I need to make a medical decision based on the opinion of a qualified doctor and the fact that our daughter is in pain, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Maggie: Alright, nobody come into the bedroom for the next 15 seconds.
Gary: Mommy's either wrapping Father's Day presents or pretty obviously cheating on daddy; what do you think? Hey, if it's Eddie, use protection. Friend group can't afford another love child.

Eddie: She just made a mistake.
Delilah: A terrible one.
Eddie: Yeah, and if anyone knows anything about that, it's us. All the hurt we caused, all the people we loved. How could I expect to get forgiveness if I couldn't give it to someone else?

Sophie: So last night was fun.
Tyrell: It was fun, wasn't it?

Nicole: Can I ask you something?
Eddie: Of course.
Nicole: Why didn't things work out between you and Delilah?
Eddie: Well, I think for us, the timing was never right.
Nicole: Well, for what it's worth, I can tell how much you care about her, so if your timing ever does work out, don't run away from that.
Eddie: Well, thanks to you, I really can't.
Nicole: I walked right into that.
Eddie: Walk? Well, now you're just being mean.

A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

Eddie: How dare you come in here and tell me what's best for Charlie?
Delilah: Eddie, put yourself in my shoes. One minute I'm on an airplane, and the next minute my daughter is in surgery. Eddie: Your daughter; that's the problem, she's our daughter, D. The second Charlie was born you acted like you were the mom, and I was the babysitter.
Delilah: That's so unfair.
Eddie: Yes, it is unfair, because I'm her dad and if I need to make a medical decision based on the opinion of a qualified doctor and the fact that our daughter is in pain, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Rome: What are you doing? If you keep that up, they won't let you in.
Walter: Oh, no. Does that mean I'll miss Mervin the Magnificent?