Claire: This isn’t so bad, you know.
Guy: What?
Claire: This, like meeting up with someone online.
Guy: That’s the most romantic thing anyone’s ever said to me. It is. Thank you.

Wyatt: I’ve been thinking. Have you given any consideration to going back to Al-Anon? It used to help you. I remember before.
Claire: Well, that was to help deal with you, dad.
Wyatt: Oh, I just know I value.
Claire: Dad, I’m fine. Just stop.

Eric: What?
Ryan: I, uh, look, I saw the letter the school sent. The one about you being put on academic probation and about losing your scholarship.
Eric: You looked through my shit?
Ryan: It was on your desk.
Eric: Not cool, man.
Ryan: I just… I just feel like… I feel like you got this different vibe than you did at the beginning of the semester, you know.
Eric: Different vibe?
Ryan: Yeah, you know…
Eric: I’m fine. Seriously, I’m fine.

Claire: You seem good.
Matt: I am. A little rough there for a while, but things are pretty great now. We’re recording an album.
Claire: Wow, cool.
Matt: Gone to some pretty cool cities for work. Dating, and yeah. I don’t know. As happy as I can be, I guess.
Claire: That’s good to hear.
Matt: It’s OK. You don’t have to pretend you’ve been worried about how I am.
Claire: I have been.
Matt: You never would have done what you did if you gave a shit about me.
Claire: I made a mistake, and I…
Matt: A mistake? Is that what you’re calling it? Wow, OK. I don’t know how I ever loved you.
Claire: Matt, I am so sorry.
Matt: Oh fuck. I’m so mad, I’m just so mad at you. Can you go, please? Can you go?

Guy: I don’t think I can hit you any harder without hurting you.
Claire: Just do it. Come on.
Guy: Are you OK? Oh my god, I am so…
Claire: Why’d you stop? Come on.
Guy: No, no, no, I’m not.
Claire: Come on. That was great. Keep doing it.
Guy: You’re fucking bleeding.
Claire: I’m fine.
Guy: I don’t think I can do this. I’m really sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. Are you OK? No, like actually, are you OK?

Eric: They couldn’t have just left you.
Chloe: Yeah, they could have.
Eric: Shit.
Chloe: And they did. I can’t fucking believe this.
Eric: That’s messed up.
Chloe: No shit. Fuck it.
Eric: Yeah, fuck it.

Eric: So, your friends are a little…
Chloe: Aggressive? Yeah, I’m a single woman, so of course that means I’m desperate for a guy.
Eric: Right.
Chloe: I saw them pushing you on me. It was pretty obvious.
Eric: No, I mean, they just really wanted me to know that you’ve completed 200 hours of yoga training.

Eric: You all right?
Chloe: I’m not gonna hook up with you. I’m… you’re way too young, and I just got out of a long-term thing. Five years. It’s been really hard.
Eric: Yeah.
Chloe: Yeah, my friends know it has. They just don’t want to hear about it. They just want to fix me, as if sex could fix me. I can’t really… I can’t really talk to them about it. I can’t really talk to anybody about it. No one understands. I don’t know, I just feel so confused. When we first were together, I was so madly in love with him. I felt sick. But he put me through the wringer, and now that I’m out of it, I can see how unhappy I was. I don’t want to feel this way anymore.

Wyatt: Claire? Claire? Talk to me. What is it, Claire?
Claire: Stop trying to help me.
Wyatt: I’m just trying to do right by you.
Claire: I can’t even look at you. This whole good man act. You know I used to go through our trash when I was a kid? I used to count the number of empties to make sure you weren’t going to die. I was 10 years old, and I would get into bed terrified, thinking, maybe I missed a cue or something, and that when I woke up, you’d be gone. What, now I’m supposed to watch you thrive? Knowing that you could beat it, you just couldn’t do it for me.
Wyatt: Claire, I wish I could go back. I would give anything to be able to…
Claire: I have spent my entire life running from you, trying to feel safe. I… I wanted to help kids that were like me and give them what… what I never got, and somehow I’ve hurt everyone, and I’ve fucked everything up, and I don’t know how to fix it, and I’m such a fucking horrible person.
Wyatt: You are gonna find a way to keep going, I promise you.
Claire: I don’t want to be here. Everybody wants me gone. I just want to be fucking gone.
Wyatt: I know. I know it feels that way, but you got to stay. You gotta stay. You gotta.

Eric: Hey.
Sandra: What’s wrong.
Eric: No, I just thought I’d come home, you know, for the weekend, or maybe longer. I need help, mom. I need help.
Sandra: I know. I’m glad you came home.

A Teacher Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Wyatt: I’ve been thinking. Have you given any consideration to going back to Al-Anon? It used to help you. I remember before.
Claire: Well, that was to help deal with you, dad.
Wyatt: Oh, I just know I value.
Claire: Dad, I’m fine. Just stop.

Claire: This isn’t so bad, you know.
Guy: What?
Claire: This, like meeting up with someone online.
Guy: That’s the most romantic thing anyone’s ever said to me. It is. Thank you.