Stu: I didn't have peanuts.
Zelda: He was scoffing.

Dinesh: Are you calling me husky?
Lora: No. I'm calling you an idiot.

I over-estimated your ability to think on your feet. I just assumed everyone in this town had been through level one improv.

Big Bird

Stu cooked me a whole breakfast, and then put it in the trash while I watched.


Of the 4 that are local, 2 are divorced and 1 started a polygamist cult. We're waiting for an update on the fourth.


Stephie: What the hell do you want?
Stu: To not go the world's worst Halloween Party. That's what.
Stephie: That's great so you won't be coming.

Andrew: I think Zelda and I may have gotten a little over-excited about our month together.
Stu: I've worn socks longer than a month.

It would be weird to have a monthiversary party. Oh, look at me, I'm warming up to that word.


A to Z Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Andrew: I think Zelda and I may have gotten a little over-excited about our month together.
Stu: I've worn socks longer than a month.

It would be weird to have a monthiversary party. Oh, look at me, I'm warming up to that word.
