Andrew eats waffles for breakfast, because I already got him a waffle maker.


Howard: You've even gotten a couple of pokes [on Facebook].
Big Bird: Pokes? Uh, I will cut them. Is there a 'cut them' button?

Thank you so much for keeping a secret I didn't tell you.


Andrew: How about we get some sushi from that place across the street?
Zelda: That won't fill the empty void in me.

Andrew: I almost opened Pandora's box.
Dinesh: That makes no sense because you're using iTunes, not Pandora.

Big Bird: I think I'm going to be sick. Quick, Howard, give me your shoe.
Howard: No, there's a trashcan right here.
Big Bird: Howard, please just give them to me.

Howard, I have discovered the secret to a better work place, and it is me being slashed.

Big Bird

Andrew: When I sent them your song, they got back to me right away, which is a good sign. Because I also sent in my rendition of "Roar" and they didn't even mention it.
Zelda: What did you think was going to happen?
Andrew: I don't know they could've given me a "good job" or like a "nice falsetto."

Stephie: [to Andrew] I told you this was a bad idea.
Stu: Couldn't you have predicted this?
Stephie: I did. I just told him it was a bad idea.

Let's go eat some dead fish. I bet they had dreams once, too.


Big Bird: Instead of me being looked at with respect, born out of fear for slapping you, it is you, the slapped, reaping the benefits.
Howard: What benefits? I lost 2 crowns.

You're crazy dude, and I should know, I spin signs for a living.

Sign Spinner

A to Z Quotes

You can try a child as an adult, but not the other way around....No. It does not matter if the crime is adorable.


The idea is to keep them paying the monthly fee. They won't do that if they get married
