Rosales: You didn't tell me he'd have a gun.
Alex: He wasn't going to use it.
Rosales: How could you know?
Alex: He's Canadian.

Why do I feel you have a mostly illegal plan to stop [Montrose]?

Kai [to Alex]

It feels like you're heading toward one of those ideas that puts me in mortal danger.

Ernesto [to Alex]

Ernesto: If you ate the duck egg, you would have had him.
Alex: But it wouldn't stay down.

Ernesto: You thought you were protecting him.
Alex: Yeah, helluva job I did.

Alex: Politicians are like diapers, my friend. They both need to be changed because they're full of ...
Ernesto: Shameful how so many of these vendors have been closing down.

I'm starting to think you just like being really angry all the time.

Ernesto [to Alex]

Don't do that, man. Don't play detective with me. I invented detective.

Alex [to Ernesto]

If this election goes south, you and I will both be out of a job by the end of the day. So I'm going to eat my feelings and you and my blood sugar will have to deal with it.

Governor [to aide]

Almost Paradise Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Don't do that, man. Don't play detective with me. I invented detective.

Alex [to Ernesto]

If this election goes south, you and I will both be out of a job by the end of the day. So I'm going to eat my feelings and you and my blood sugar will have to deal with it.

Governor [to aide]