Kimara: The judge will grant the waiver for the abortion if you're under 20 weeks. You have to have an ultrasound.
Shae: Why do I have to have an ultrasound?
Kimara: Because you do.

Nicholas: I don't see the point of getting a nanny from Haiti who just speaks French.
Clair: Nicky wants to teach her English.
Nicholas: Your friend gets a nanny from Ghana -
Clair: She wants to teach Nicky French.
Nicholas: Nobody speaks French.
Clair: People in France speak French.
Nicholas: People in France are in France.
Clair: I speak French.

Coy: Take the pills.
Isaac: You were just a druggie wandering around the streets. I picked you up, gave you a job.
Coy: Take the pills.
Isaac: Hey, remember when you laughed at me about picking tomatoes?
Coy: Take the pills.

Shae: I'm supposed to be testifying against my pimp. You want to help stop him from hurting anyone else, so how come when I try to take care of myself you won't let me do it?
Judge: Not wanting a baby is not sufficient cause to terminate your pregnancy.
Shae: Then what would be?
Kimara: Shae...
Judge: If contacting a parent would put you in jeopardy.
Shae: I screwed guys in alleys because it was better than what I came from. I don't think it's fair for me to have to ask the person who made me want to screw guys in alleys for permission to get an abortion.

Jeanette: Why didn't you tell me you put a stop on that check?
Carson: Giving those people that money wasn't the right thing to do.
Jeanette: Well why didn't you tell me?
Carson: You were doing something that made you feel good and I... I thought if I just didn't tell you, maybe it'd get you out of this mood you've been in.
Jeanette: It made me feel good? That's why you think I did it? To feel good?

Coy: How do I get out of here? How much can I pay? How much do I owe?
Farm Owner: $363.
Coy: I got paid $40 on Friday. You can add that in.
Farm Owner: I already added it in. Work faster, you get paid more.
Coy: I just need a little help.
Farm Owner: Work faster.

Shae: I want an abortion.
Kimara: Okay. Have you ever had one before?
Shae: Yes.
Kimara: Where?
Shae: In DC.
Kimara: Okay. How far along are you?
Shae: I'm not really sure.
Kimara: Okay. I know someone at the courthouse. I can talk to her about getting you in.
Shae: Getting me in?
Kimara: The procedure needs to be approved.
Shae: You mean in court?
Kimara: You're underage. You need to get a waiver from a judge or permission from your parents. You wanna call them?
Shae: I didn't have to do all this in DC. I just went to Planned Parenthood.
Kimara: You're not in DC anymore. This is North Carolina.

Cop: Tell us about Teo.
Luis: Teo is my son. He is 17. He likes to laugh. I used to worry that people wouldn't take him serious, that he would get into trouble for messing around too much. But he just likes to make people happy.
Cop: That isn't what I meant. I meant, does he have any scars, tattoos or distinguishing marks we can use to help identify his body?

American Crime Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Shae: I want an abortion.
Kimara: Okay. Have you ever had one before?
Shae: Yes.
Kimara: Where?
Shae: In DC.
Kimara: Okay. How far along are you?
Shae: I'm not really sure.
Kimara: Okay. I know someone at the courthouse. I can talk to her about getting you in.
Shae: Getting me in?
Kimara: The procedure needs to be approved.
Shae: You mean in court?
Kimara: You're underage. You need to get a waiver from a judge or permission from your parents. You wanna call them?
Shae: I didn't have to do all this in DC. I just went to Planned Parenthood.
Kimara: You're not in DC anymore. This is North Carolina.

Cop: Tell us about Teo.
Luis: Teo is my son. He is 17. He likes to laugh. I used to worry that people wouldn't take him serious, that he would get into trouble for messing around too much. But he just likes to make people happy.
Cop: That isn't what I meant. I meant, does he have any scars, tattoos or distinguishing marks we can use to help identify his body?