They ain't gonna respect us, you gotta respect yourself, and I'm telling you, you fooling around with this white bitch isn't gonna get it done.

Farm worker

Doctor: Do you use drugs?
Shay: Yeah.
Doctor: What drugs do you use?
Shay: Weed. Oxy when I can get it. And I drink.
Doctor: When was the last time you used?
Shay: Yesterday.
Doctor: Are you addicted?
Shay: I don't know.
Doctor: Any gastrointenstinal pain, nausea or vomiting?
Shay: No.
Doctor: Any other health concerns?
Shay: No. Yes. I'm pregnant.
Doctor: How far along?
Shay: Four weeks.
Doctor: Have you ever been pregnant before?
Shay: Yes.
Doctor: How did that pregnancy end?
Shay: It ended.

Abby: You feel like you're burning out?
Kimara: Abby, I feel like I'm on a lifeboat that only holds 10 people. And there was a time when I'd try to get 100 people on that boat, but now... now I can only get 10, maybe not even 10.
Abby: Don't accept it. Keep fighting the fight.

Woman: You know I like that we call it a crisis. When it was crack in the inner cities it was a -
Kimara: Epidemic.
Woman: Epidemic. Right. Like it was the Black Plague or something. But now that it's heroin and the suburbs it's a crisis, just something bad that happens to good people.

Site Director: There are rules that have to be followed or you will be expelled. There's drugs of any kind. Chapel is every morning.
Shae: I'm not religious.
Site Director: Chapel is not about conversion. It's about fellowship. You must attend chapel every morning.

Shae: What I'm supposed to do for 9 months?
Kimara: We will get you into a jobs program. We will get you into a shelter -
Shae: For 9 months. You have no idea when a trial will be. You just want me to hang out and be ready for when you want me to testify against Billy.

Kimara: You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't commit a crime. You're under the age of consent.
Shae: I'm free to go?
Kimara: There are other girls...
Shae: Let one of them testify. I was begging people for money long before I met Billy. Why you gonna put him in jail for something I was doing anyway?

Look, this kid has been in and out of the system so many times. She's not gonna trust us cops. She's not gonna trust us prosecutors.


Doctor: How are you feeling?
Kamara: I dunno. How am I feeling?
Doctor: Well, physically, everything is fine. I do have bad news for you. The IVF didn't take. You're not pregnant.

Man: You done? You almost done?
Woman: Almost.
Makeup Artist:
Makeup Artist: That your boyfriend?
Woman: Yeah.
Makeup Artist: Everything all right with you?
Woman. Yeah. We're going to dinner with his sister. His sister and her fiancee. We're going to this restaurant and he just wants me to look good, you know?

Man: You can earn some money.
Boy: Doing what?
Man: Pick tomatoes. [boy laughs] What? You're gonna sit here drinking my beer, talking about walking all the way to Patterson to score some drugs you don't got money to pay for, and laugh at me.

It's a numbers game at this point. It's volume. We need people. We need people who can work the fields and we need people... we need 'em to work at a price. So I'm sayin'... get people in, okay? Get 'em in, get 'em on the farm and get 'em working.


American Crime Quotes

Here's the notice of his suspension, we don't play favorites. Every student is teated equally. I understand Ms. Blaine may feel otherwise, but we've done all that we can.


No one was singled out.
