Bring the heavy stuff, those ISIS bastards killed a black guy...I know, welcome to America.

Freedom Fighter

Archer: And I got to complete my life long dream.
Malory: Meeting Mr. Green Jeans?

They called you exotic. Which is just people talk for awesome. Which you are.


That's racist. Jingoist. Whatever.


Ouch my eyes. It's like being shot in the eyes by a glitter gun.


Archer: I got to blow up a train.
Lana: Thanks, Gomez.
Archer: Nice.

Lana: Please tell me that's a smoke grenade.
Archer: Okay. it's not though.

Malory: Have the porter bring me a cobb salad.
Lana: Before or after we capture the dangerous terrorist?
Malory: Before.

My great-grandfather was nuts for skating. That and the Klan.


Armed with what? Pamphlets about Canada's responsible gun control laws?


Thanks, Freddy Foreshadowing.


Can I just put what I assume is your rock collection on the stupid train?


Archer Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Thanks, Freddy Foreshadowing.


Can I just put what I assume is your rock collection on the stupid train?
