Lindsay: They teach self-expression and getting in touch with feelings, Michael. I mean, I know you don't have any.
Gob: The boy who couldn't cry.
Buster: He's a robot! (Buster's prosthetic hand falls off)
Lindsay: Michael can cry. He just doesn't want to rust.
Tobias: Yes, he's like the steel man from The Wizard From Oz.

Lindsay: Yeah, check it out. I found that canned ham that we'd had forever, and I put it in a pot of boiling water, and guess what I'm calling it?
Michael: Soup?
Lindsay: Hot ham water.

George Michael: OCD? No, I'm just cleaning up after Aunt Lindsay. She never turns things off.
Michael: Well ... guess that explains why I saw the hedge trimmer zipping around the drive-way. I did it again, didn't I? I'm so self-centered. From now on, I want you to just tell me what's on your mind, ok? And I promise I won't just hear what I want to hear.
George Michael: I love my cousin.
Michael: Love you, too, pal.

Tobias: All right, I'll listen to this later. And don't tell me where you've been. It'll just make me worry more. But guess what? There's a new daddy in town.
Music: A new daddy in town ...
Tobias: A discipline daddy.
Music: A discipline daddy ... Gonna spank your behind, uh-huh ...
Tobias: Oh, it's a ... it's a parenting tape.

Tonight, an Arrested Development you can't miss. A cavalcade of stars. The shocking final moments will be presented live! And one of these people ... will die!


Buster's good hand just came flying off.


And that's why you don't try to teach lessons to your father!

J. Weatherman

And that's why you don't use one-armed persons to teach lessons!


You don't want a hungry dove down your pants. That's how Tony Wonder lost a nut.


Attention, everyone! Why go to a banana stand when we can make your banana stand? I give you Barbara and Dee! Don't worry, these young beauties have been nowhere near the bananas.


Lindsay: Did you get a lawyer?
Tobias: Only the best-looking and best educated lawyer in the whole O.C.
Bob: Don't call it that.

Michael: You just thought you'd put the stand right here?
Gob: Did the research. Did you know that more frozen bananas are sold here on this boardwalk than anywhere in The O.C.?
Michael: Don't call it that.

Arrested Development Season 3 Quotes

Taste the tears, Michael.


Gob: (embracing Michael) Taste the happy, Michael. Taste it.
Michael: It tastes kind of like sad.