Felicity: Now that we are alone, I know this might not exactly be the right time--
Oliver: You understand that I'm going to be punching people in about sixty seconds, right?
Felicity: Yes, but it's been about a week since you decided that you're not giving John the hood back, and I was just wondering when you were planning on talking to him about that.
Oliver: Well, I'm waiting for the right moment. That moment is not now.
Felicity: That's a fair point.

Ricardo: You don't want to torture him a bit? You know, maybe slit his throat. What happened to all that Russian vengeance I heard so much about?
Anatoly: Is new suit.

Diggle: Oliver, I'm, uh... really sorry about what I said.
Oliver: You apologized already, John. So did I.
Diggle: I know...I know. But what I said about the calls you made, where you brought us, the team, the city, I... I just can't shake them.
Oliver: You can't shake that you said it?
Diggle: I can't shake that it's true. Oliver, for six years, I have followed the chain of command without question, even when my heart told me there was a better way. I trusted it. I trusted you. But the inescapable truth is that people have lost faith in your leadership. Truth is, Oliver, you have become a better man. But with your focus split... a worse leader. The Green Arrow allows you to become the best version of yourself, and I respect that. I respect you. But if I'm gonna be the best version of myself...Oliver, it can't be with you.
Oliver: I hope you find what you're looking for.

William: I'm gonna miss you.
Thea: I'm gonna miss you, too. Just promise me you're gonna watch over your dad, okay?
William: But he's the Green Arrow.
Thea: Yeah, before he was the Green Arrow, he actually used to be really afraid of the dark, and he needed a nightlight in his bedroom until he was [to an approaching Oliver], what, six, sixteen?
Oliver: It was NOT a nightlight. I was... It was not a nightlight. I couldn't sleep with it being pitch black.

Nyssa: This is a horchus dagger. In the League of Assassins, it symbolizes the cutting of marital bonds. [gives the dagger to Oliver] I hereby annul our marriage.
Oliver: Nyssa, as wedding gifts go, this, uh... isn't half bad.
Nyssa: Be well, Oliver.

Oliver: I'm going to miss you so much.
Thea: You will be with me the whole time.

Nyssa: I didn't start using a computer until I was 25.
Felicity: That explains a lot.

Felicity: You are unbelievable. I can't believe you did that. You could've seriously hurt John!
Curtis: Just like you guys are going to really hurt the city if you let her go!

Green Arrow: If she dies, that money is lost forever.
Rene: Lost forever. Like Vincent Sobel? Where was Green Arrow when he needed saving?

Oliver: I don't trust you to do the right thing.
Dinah: And what is that? Politely ask Laurel to give back the money?
Oliver: Not kill her.

Man: Are you OK?
Black Siren: I just escaped. I was kidnapped two years ago, I think...I don't know!
Man: What's your name?
Black Siren: Laurel. Laurel Lance.

Laurel: I already told you...
Quentin: I know what you told me, which was a lie. But it is what James said. You hesitated when you killed Sobel.
Laurel: So what if I did?
Quentin: It means there is a piece, maybe just a small piece, but there is a piece of my daughter in you, somewhere! And I'm going to get it out, whatever it takes.

Arrow Season 6 Quotes

Black Siren: God you're such a bitch!
Black Canary: Yeah it takes one to know one, sweetheart!

Raisa [to Oliver]: You had trouble fitting in, in age.
Oliver [to Raisa]: What?! What are you talking about? I had Tommy.
Raisa [to Oliver]: I wouldn't call having a friend who helps you get in trouble, "fitting in".
Oliver [to Raisa]: That's a fair point.