Ash: Nice try Ruby. You Think I'm stupid? Think I don't know my own father when I see him?
Brock: Poor Ashley. Life just keeps serving up the shit sandwich.

Brock: What's she like?
Ash: Stubborn as shit, and she hates my guts.
Brock: So she's smart. Like her already.

Kelly: You're okay?
Brandy: Okay? Ash just sliced open some guy I thought was my grandfather with a chainsaw. I'm so far from okay I don't even know what okay is.
Kelly: Makes high school seem a lot less awful am I right?

Ash may be a perverted drunk with racist tendencies, but ... he has his moments


Brock: Scared, are we?
Ash: I've had a little experience with dead bodies in cellars dad.

Brock: That bastard ate my spam! That was my civil defense stash.
Ash: The guy ate it because somebody locked him in the cellar dad, he was trying to survive.
Brock: Oh ... not my fault, he's the one that took the header.

Ash vs Evil Dead Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Brock: What's she like?
Ash: Stubborn as shit, and she hates my guts.
Brock: So she's smart. Like her already.

Ash: Nice try Ruby. You Think I'm stupid? Think I don't know my own father when I see him?
Brock: Poor Ashley. Life just keeps serving up the shit sandwich.