Help me not to kill you right now.


Luke: I was your back-up. But, no, excuse me for trying to diffuse the situation peacefully.
Ryan: Peacefully? That's a privilege.
Luke: Priv... Privilege. Okay. Ryan, I'm sure that you think that growing up with rich white kids taught me how to play nice. But it taught me how to keep my head down. There is a difference. I don't just run into fights when I know I can't win.

Ryan: How did Kate date?
Luke: Terribly. Why do you think she was so broody all the time?

Roman: You've earned your freedom. Go.
Alice: I think I should stay. Y'know, Make sure the skin sticks to the musculature. I wouldn't want dear... Circe to prune.

Sophie: What is happening?
Mary: No idea.
Ryan: I think it's how nerds flirt.

Ryan: So you woke up to discover you were covered in some coded message?
Stephanie: You say that like your dad doesn't write cryptograms on you while you're unconscious.

Circe/Kate: Just tell Black Mask who Batwoman is and you'll be drinking [a martini] soon.
Alice: Here's the thing. I could but then I wouldn't have the satisfaction of killing her myself. It's personal but I've had limited success with my vengeance schemes as of late and, quite frankly, it's left me feeling rather... unfulfilled.

Circe/Kate: Word of advice. The last person who tried to one-up me ended up with his eyes gouged out. Like two olives on a toothpick.
Alice: Now, that makes me want a martini.

Ryan: Just relax, ok?
Stephanie: My dad poisoned me and locked me in a box! You relax!

Sophie: As a lesbian who was married to a man for three years, I will say drinking is the key to denial.
Ryan: I thought you were bi.
Sophie: Yeah, there's a lot we don't know about each other yet, Ryan.

Luke: Say, not to backseat hero but maybe we leave one conscious to plant the tracker?
Batwoman: Takes all the fun out of it.

Cluemaster: How did you solve Cluemaster's riddle?
Sophie: I know it's just my first day but a little advice. Don't advertise the crime you're about to commit if you don't want to get caught.
Cluemaster: That's how I showcase the sheer stupidity of mankind. I provide the authorities with all the clues and then watch as they screw it all up anyway.
Sophie: I'm sorry your view of mankind is so bleak.

Batwoman Quotes

Native American Trainer: Too slow.
Kate Kane: You covered the damn hole!
Native American Trainer: And you found way. Own way. Tomorrow, find faster.

Trust me, this isn't the story I expected to be telling. But you know as well as I do that stories, like the people who tell them, aren't always what they seem.

Kate Kane