I know you. I know what you were, what you are. People don't change. You're Slippin' Jimmy. And Slippin' Jimmy I can handle just fine but Slippin' Jimmy with a law degree is like a chimp with a machine gun.


I've known good criminals and bad cops, bad priests, honorable thieves. You can be on one side of the law or the other, but if you make a deal with somebody, you keep your word. You can go home today with your money and never do this again, but you took soemthing that wasn't yours and you sold it for a profit. You are now a criminal. Good one, bad one, that's up to you.


The lesson is, if you're going to be a criminal do your homework.


Thug: So, what are you packing?
Mike: Uh, pimento.

Hail Satan. I submit to the dark side.


Jimmy: We can Erin Brokovich the shit out of this case.
Chuck: Erin Brokovich didn't do it alone.

Jimmy: You can't say it's private if a hobo can use it as a wigwam! That's the standard, isn't it, if animals or vagrants can get in?
Chuck: More or less, yes.

Chuck: You don't want to go off half-cocked.
Jimmy: Full cock. Okay.

Thing you folks need to know about me? I got nothing to lose.


Can we all, us three, just parachute down from Cloud Cuckoo Land?


Gotta look successful to be successful, am I right?


He put me up on a pedestal. And I had to show him that I was down in the gutter with the rest of them. I broke my boy. I broke my boy.


Better Call Saul Season 1 Quotes

You know, Jimmy, sometimes in our line of work, you can get so caught up in the idea of winning that you forget to listen to your heart.


Lawyers, we're like health insurance. You hope you never need it, but man oh man, when you do...
