Tonya: Do you like killing?
Donno: I'm good at it.
Tonya: Working for Ren, will I have to kill people?
Donno: You should have asked that before.

Jenny: What the hell is going on here?
Ren: Tonya works for me. Or is that against the law, too?

Jenny: We found a severed hand at a bar today. I believe you know something about that.
Ren: A severed hand? Do I look like the severed hand kind of gal?

Scarlet: What are you doing? You've tried this before. Running without a plan.
Ronald: I'm getting the hell out of here. I am not going to wait around for them to kill us!

Cassie: I'd say that's a message.
Jenny: From Dietrich or the cartel?

Cassie: How good are you at picking locks?
Jenny: I got a crowbar in the car.
Cassie: Even better.

Big Sky Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Cassie: I'd say that's a message.
Jenny: From Dietrich or the cartel?

Cassie: How good are you at picking locks?
Jenny: I got a crowbar in the car.
Cassie: Even better.