Walz: I really need you to concentrate right now because what I'm about to say to you is all for your own good.
Tunstall: I suppose I'd better listen then, Mr. Walz.

Sheriff Brady, I want to put this on record. I do not believe you are serving justice or the ordinary people of this town. It looks like you're only working for The House.


Murphy: Maybe [Tunstall] will die.
Riley: And maybe he won't.
Murphy: So?
Riley: So perhaps someone should pay him an visit and remind him of the facts of life.

Brewer: Looks like we win.
Billy: This is just the first round.

Billy: I saw you in town the other day, with a man. It sure looked like you were in love with him.
Dulcinea: Of course I love him. He's my brother.

Now I promise you. The last thing I want is a shooting match. But if it comes to it, we have to be ready.


Keep Jesse Evans on a leash. We're done here.

Murphy [to Riley and Nolan]

[Jesse] always liked living outside the law. I don't. That's why I'm here.

You'd better play ball, Murphy. You never knew who could be next.

Riley [to Murphy]

Billy: I'm glad you wanted to ride out with me.
Dulcinea: Why did you think I wouldn't? Because you're an outlaw?

Don't you worry, Mr. Evans. You'll get your excitement.

Nolan [to Jesse]

Mr. Tunstall, I'm ready to go to work.

Billy the Kid Quotes

I adore who you are, Billy, each and every day of my life. Today is no different.

Kathleen [to Billy]

Bartender: Hey now, friend. Can I get you something?
Billy: Not yet.