I'm proud of my service. Let's leave it at that.


Frank: Just remember what Sister Margaret Mary always said.
Danny: Are you really going to tell me to play well with others?

Danny: I know that guy. That's the guy they sent me to for anger management.
Baez: I guess he's not too good at his job.

The family legacy is not combat. It's service.


The right to a speedy trial is fair and that doesn't take an expert.


Tallulah: You catch on pretty fast.
Danny: That's why they gave me a gun and a shield.

I don't care about that, Linda. I've got skin thicker than a catcher's mitt.


It was your lead foot mother in Joe's hot rod.


One of the great things about parents Nicky is that you can learn from their mistakes.


Never take a bottle to a gun fight.


What was missing was you putting it in perspective for the media vultures out there looking for any opportunity to tear down cops.

Sgt. Gormley

If Mom were still alive she'd tell you that was beyond your skill set.
