I almost went to prison over this cheesecake. You've got to eat some of it.


I know you have other people in your life, but only Mindy and Matt are family. And if the only time you get together is at weddings and funerals, it's going to haunt you.


The kid couldn't kill an ant.


Jamie, great leaders don't lead by the words on a page. Leaders lead by their hearts.


It's just our New York way of saying Howdy Stranger.


Cop: There's a woman outside who says she has some information.
Danny: Great. Why don't you let her in too?

He smart assed me and then he refused a direct order. That doesn't happen.


He strenuously advises? How exactly does one do that? Is actively working every muscle in his body as he advises?


I came this close to letting him take a nose dive. And a part of me's still wishing I hadn't reeled him in.


Garrett: Henry has a beef with you, boss?
Frank: Good guess.
Abigail: Sorry to hear that.
Frank: Oh, he's not all right unless he has at least one beef a day.

DA: Consider it done.
Anthony: But it's not done. You running a railroad here, cause that's what I'm hearing.
DA: You wanna talk yourself out of a job?

We will stop at nothing to hunt you down and bring you to justice.
