If you told Father Bill he was a candidate for sainthood he'd laugh his ass off.


The vows of chastity in my book make all you guys saints but I assume you're aiming higher.


Danny: How can you be sure the drug always gets to the patient.
Pharmacist: Well, because if it didn't, you'd hear the screams when they cut them open.

I can tell you that I've lived here all my life and it is almost impossible to be a saint in this city.


Dinner, Tribeca restaurant...$600. Shoes, Bergdorf men's department...$750. Paying it off with your dead wife's fortune...priceless.


I'm a cop at heart which makes me by definition, a skeptic.


She tries to get in the building again we've asked security to call God.


My mother was a saint. My wife was a saint especially by the time she was chasing four kids under ten around the house.


Blue Bloods Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

She tries to get in the building again we've asked security to call God.


My mother was a saint. My wife was a saint especially by the time she was chasing four kids under ten around the house.
