Garett: Frank. Please be careful.
Frank: Okay. I will carefully ascertain if I need to start a fire, stoke a fire, or put out a fire.

Jamie: We're not social workers, Eddie.
Eddie: Well, sometimes, Jamie, it's the same thing.

Baker: What if it's true?
Frank: We'll deal with it.
Gormley: What if it isn't?
Frank: Then we'll deal with that. Just don't ask me how.

Baker: The mayor says he knows you're busy and don't need to go to his meeting tonight.
Frank: Won't need or shouldn't?
Baker: I don't know.
Frank: If you did know?
Baker: I get the sense the Mayor is keeping police business at arm's length.

Danny: Looks like Madeline put up one hell of a fight.
Baez: She was 25 years old. When I was her age I was living in Alphabet City with a guy named Dario.

Killing him won't make you feel any better..Let this scumbag spend the rest of his life in prison so you don't have to.


Woman: Don't you know how scared I am?
Danny: Don't you think Gio was scared? And now he's dead.

Erin: What's he like?
Frank: What's he like? I just met the guy and he's my grandson.

Eddie: I thought you were gonna tell me to step back.
Jamie: Yeah, well, I've learned that if you're on the edge of the cliff about to jump off, I can't tell you to take a step back. My best bet is to take your hand and jump with you.

Anthony: He only has no criminal history because he hasn't been caught. Isn't that right, Mr. Acosta?
Acosta: If that's true, it's only cause I'm better at my job than you are at yours.

Frank: Something on your mind?
Abigail: No, there's something on yours.

How many times do we get to really make a difference? Most of the time we get called out to a case when someone is already raped or murdered or mugged. But this time, we might be able to change someone's life.
