You know, this can be a kind of injury. Sometimes tragedies happen, but that's not on you. You did your duty.


I was incident commander. It was MY call! Not yours!


Gormley: There was a shootout between some drug dealers and a couple of our cops. Our cops are fine.
Frank: Who's not fine?
Gormley: A drug dealer took it... and an 11-year-old girl.
Frank: Collateral damage?
Gormley: One of our guys' bullets went through a window and hit her.
Frank: What's her condition?
Gormley: She's not good. We've got officers sitting with the family. But like I said, our cops are fine.
Frank: One of them isn't. An 11-year-old girl took a bullet from his gun. That's a grave wound for a cop .

Nicky: Billy has a problem.
Erin: Does this problem have to do with a case being prosecuted in the Manhattan District Attorney's office?
Billy: Yes, ma'am.
Erin: Then I'm afraid I can't discuss it with you.

Maggie: When I brought up your wife before, I didn't know it would strike such a chord.
Danny: Not for nothing, but everyone knows how she died. It was all over the news. You could have looked it up.
Maggie: But I didn't. And she didn't die. She was murdered.
Danny: I don't need your help, okay? I don't need to communicate with the dead. My wife knows how much I love her.
Maggie: She says she loves you more.

Norris: Why are you doing this for me?
Frank: Well, someone I know and trust reminded me that sometimes people deserve a second chance.
Norris: I don't know what to say.
Frank: Don't say anything. It would probably be a lie anyway.

Jamie: She [Mrs.Rodriguez] got a miraculous donation of enough insulin for the next year.
Eddie: Really? Isn't that something?
Jamie: Do you know anything about it?
Eddie: I decided I didn't need the most expensive wedding dress in the shop.
Jamie: And this is why I love you. Not because we work together or ride together. Besides, if it was just about dating a female cop, there's plenty of them right here.

We are so trained to see the bad in people that maybe it stops us from seeing the good.


Henry: Top of my bucket list: Don't kick the bucket.
Danny: Ha ha.
Henry: I always wanted to see the Vatican. Betty and I were going to go for our 50th. But then she got sick.

Anthony: You two need anything else? I got work to do on a case.
Erin: Which one?
Anthony: Any one. I'll make one up.

Maggie: You know, I find the people who don't believe in my gift are the ones who are most afraid of it.
Danny: I'm not afraid of your gift. Like I said, I have work to do.
Maggie: Who's Linda? Is that your wife?
Danny: You know, you should probably go.
Maria: Danny -
Danny: No. You should go.

Is everything out of your mouth a lie? That must be exhausting.
