Margaret: I asked you to make your bed!
Teddy: The maid will do it.

Owen: It's Mr. Rosetti as you probably guessed.
Margaret: What did Enoch do to him?
Owen: He said no when he wanted to hear yes.
Margaret: That's all?
Owen: Sometimes that's enough.

Nucky: When did you get so uppity? Work on my shoes later.
Owen: This is Mr. White.

Everyone finds out soon enough.


Rosetti: Librarians keep checking out books, because it's important to read.
Local Woman: What happens when Bible Camp opens.
Rosetti: Bible Camp is cancelled and I'm not really doing questions and answers right now Dear.

Out whole life is centered around it. Everything we say or don't say. all in those bottles.


There's no half way and there's no excuse either. I'm in it now, and when I'm done, I'll walk away.


No matter what you think of me, there's no walking away, I do it to them or they do it to me. That's all there is.


I'll be alone and that's as good as dead.


Gyp: Tell me about these waves.
Franco: Sometimes when the wind shifts waves crash into each other from different directions and when they do they make giant waves.

Nucky: You pack your bags too.
Mickey: Oh tell me I'm going to Paris.

A deal will always wait and a fool will always rush in.


Boardwalk Empire Quotes

Purity, sobriety, and the white Christian's Jesus.

KKK Member

Nucky: First rule of politics, kiddo: never let the truth get in the way of a good story.