We need to find that kid alive because I can not look at another dead boy today.


What's the deal with Officer Bad Ass?


The guy thinks I'm insensitive to the needs of rabid cannibals.


There could be hundreds of walking time bombs out there waiting to go off.


Well, I tell you what. The next rabid lunatic that pops up I'll send him your way.


Megan: Why would you think I'd want to go to a hockey game?
Tommy: Well, it's cold. There's a lot of blood. It's right up your alley.

Nice guys don't try to eat people.


Tommy: I was just going to call you.
Megan: But you decided to service your weapon instead.
Tommy: Yes, sometimes it's all a guy's got.

Body of Proof Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Nice guys don't try to eat people.


Tommy: I was just going to call you.
Megan: But you decided to service your weapon instead.
Tommy: Yes, sometimes it's all a guy's got.