That's the old chief. This is how the new chief rolls.


Peter: Oh was it that bad?
Megan: No, it was that good.

Ethan: I'm the peanut butter to your jelly. The Hall to your Oates.
Curtis: The pimple on my behind.

Your going to kick back in the man cave as a woman rots in the wall?


Please tell me you have a crime scene for me or else you're just here to annoy me.


Peter: I didn't know that you were into that who May/December thing.
Megan: Said the man dallying with a teenager.

I do trust you, you know. High profile or no profile.


I really hate being quoted back to myself.


Megan: Zip it flatfoot, I'm grumpy.
Bud: You're usually Snow White.

Sick means good, which as a doctor I find particularly disturbing.


Ethan: Cuddle time?
Curtis: Say that again we'll have a whole other crime scene.

I'm on a diet. The last place I should be is a freezer full of food so don't poke a hungry bear.


Body of Proof Quotes

The body is the proof. It will tell you everything you need to know if you just have the patience to look.


Don't believe everything you've heard about me. The truth is much worse.
