I think we have enough dirty laundry around our office without me adding to it.


Dad said he had to force himself to drink beer before he started to like it.


I don't think we saw the same Star Wars.


Does that thing test insanity?


I just love it when suspects provide their own handcuffs. Don't you?


Peter: You know, that woman may have had information about the case.
Megan: Where, in her cleavage?

I watch telenovela. Your not sticking me in the middle. This story has a tragic end with no survivors.


Curtis: I'm glad somebody's in bed with the right people.
Megan: We all have our talents.

Peter: Is your paresthesia acting up again?
Megan: No, my mother is.

Shane: Nicki and I were in love.
Peter: Did Nicki know that?

Can't we just tell Dad you yelled at me?


You two can't wait for me to find the bodies? You've got to go find them on your own now, huh.


Body of Proof Quotes

The body is the proof. It will tell you everything you need to know if you just have the patience to look.


Don't believe everything you've heard about me. The truth is much worse.
