Tommy: You might want to dress down when we go into a bad area.
Megan: Like I'm going to take fashion advice from somebody who owned a Member's Only tuxedo

Rebecca was dying while you were busy praying.


You want to see the face of the devil? Take a look in the mirror.


The devil is the excuse, not the cause.


Work and politics. Quite the juggling act. Don't drop the ball.


Boy you almost lost your life and didn't even know it.


Let me know if I'm right or if I'm right.


My Nana always told me not to make fun of the spirits. It's bad karma.


DNA did come back negative for demon blood. We're still waiting on the werewolf hairs. We'll keep you in the loop.


Megan: You're an evil genius.
Tommy: I'll take that as a compliment.

I'm sorry I ever agreed to keep my mouth shut because you know why? I'm not good at it.


Do you know who you just hung up on? A lingerie model. That's right, a lingerie model. This is her last night in town before she moves to Rio to teach a class on pole dancing.


Body of Proof Season 3 Quotes

I want to get back to work and after sitting on my ass for three months I'd like to get started.


Dr. Hunt is an acquired taste.
