Harper Bailey: Don't worry. I'm not nearly as fragile as he gives me credit for.
Joanna: No one survives law school if they're fragile Mrs. Bailey.

Mr. Bailey: Tell me why you're looking into Solomon Stafford.
Billy: We never said --
Mr. Bailey: You didn't have to.
Joanna: How could you possibly know which case we were talking about?
Mr. Bailey: My wife only became a lawyer after David ... She only tried one case.
Joanna: The boy who died was your son.

I can't eat because I feel like I'm going to throw up, but if I don't eat, I do throw up. I'm fine.


Owen: You know I love you, right? That I'd never do anything to put you in harm's way.
Diane: That's a terrifying start.
Owen: I got Mercer. I actually got him. He's been blackmailing people while he's on parole.
Diane: That's amazing.
Owen: Yeah.
Diane: Hey. He's gonna go away for good. Okay, you're starting to scare me.
Owen: Well, I got lost. Somewhere along the way. I got sloppy and, um ...
Diane: Okay, seriously, what's going on?
Owen: He knows why you're marriage broke up.
Diane: Oh, that was uh, that was a long time ago Owen. It was just ... it was just some workplace affair. I'm not proud of it --
Owen: He's got pictures, Diane.

Billy: We wanted to talk to you about Solomon Stone or Stafford.
Eli Roberts: Excuse me.
Billy: Mr. Roberts --
Eli Roberts: It was a scar on the school. I'm sure you know that if you're asking.
Joanna: We wanna know about --
Eli: I don't really have time right now.
Joanna: We just wanna know about --
Eli: I came back here to undo the damage he did. Not about to reopen old wounds, so. I'm sorry, I can't help you.
Joanna: You know what he's doing now?
Eli: I have to ask you to leave.

Joanna: How do people have time for sports? I was always in the library.
Billy: Nerd.

Billy: What are we doing?
Joanna: We're sitting in a park drinking potpourri and waiting for a judge to decide our fate.
Billy: No. What are we gonna do? What do you wanna do?
Joanna: I don't know. And I hate not knowing.
Billy: Shaky says 'I don't know' is the greatest prayer in the world.
Joanna: Who's Shaky?

Joanna: None of my clients can afford me your honor.
Cleardawn Lawyer: Are you bragging?
Judge: Are you Miss Chang?
Joanna: I am simply stating an indisputable fact. They couldn't afford you either, or you, your honor, back in the day. All of our clients live below the poverty line. They have limited economic means, limited access to justice.
Cleardawn lawyer: These people are poor. That doesn't magically give her case merit, your honor.
Judge: Why don't you let me decide that, Mr. Page.
Cleardawn Lawyer: She's playing on the court's sympathies.
Joanna: I'm not playing at anything. This isn't a game. These are children we're talking about. Being poor in this country means that you're more likely to have your children taken. That's a fact. And it makes it ten times harder for you to get those kids back. Also just a fact.
Cleardawn Lawyer: You honor --
Judge: Let her finish.
Joanna: Being poor is the commonality here. Certification is these parents' only chance at justice. And a class action is their only viable legal recourse. Thank you, your honor

Joanna: We are going to lose. All these people put their faith in me and I'm about to let them down.
Billy: Hey you do not stop fighting until the fight is done. That one's also you. You're very quotable. So wipe the sweat off your face and get back in the ring.
Joanna: If this is what being a mother is like, constantly not being good enough, disappointing people, disappointing yourself, gives me a whole new appreciation for my own.
Billy: Well, you should tell her that. After we win certification.

Joanna: You're honor, I request a recess.
Judge: On what grounds?
Joanna: I'm pregnant.
Judge: Relevance?
Joanna: I have to pee.

Luna: Sisters fight. And they forgive.
Taylor: Is that what we are?
Luna: If we choose to be.

Taylor: Used to hang out at this spot all the time. Think I smoked my first joint under this very tree. That was not pretty.
Luna: Molly and I had our first kiss here.
Taylor: Ugh. I mean is the tree cursed?
Luna: Pretty sure it's just a tree.

Burden of Truth Season 3 Quotes

Juries like blue. Brings out your eyes


Joanna: We want the jury to think this could happen to them.
Billy: Play on their fear.
Joanna: But not too hard or we'll lose them. Stay likable.
Billy: I am likable.
Joanna: Jury's still out, Crawford.
Billy: I'm more likable than you.
Joanna: Well, that is a very low bar.