Joanna: None of my clients can afford me your honor.
Cleardawn Lawyer: Are you bragging?
Judge: Are you Miss Chang?
Joanna: I am simply stating an indisputable fact. They couldn't afford you either, or you, your honor, back in the day. All of our clients live below the poverty line. They have limited economic means, limited access to justice.
Cleardawn lawyer: These people are poor. That doesn't magically give her case merit, your honor.
Judge: Why don't you let me decide that, Mr. Page.
Cleardawn Lawyer: She's playing on the court's sympathies.
Joanna: I'm not playing at anything. This isn't a game. These are children we're talking about. Being poor in this country means that you're more likely to have your children taken. That's a fact. And it makes it ten times harder for you to get those kids back. Also just a fact.
Cleardawn Lawyer: You honor --
Judge: Let her finish.
Joanna: Being poor is the commonality here. Certification is these parents' only chance at justice. And a class action is their only viable legal recourse. Thank you, your honor

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Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 6: "It Takes A Village"
Burden of Truth
Kristin Kreuk
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Burden of Truth Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Joanna: Doctor, I just have one more question. Do you think that I should proceed with this pregnancy?
Doctor: Well, what do you want?
Joanna: I want to get back to work.

Joanna: How long can a person work in this condition?
Doctor: It's a pregnancy. We haven't called it a condition since the fifties, but, it really depends.
Joanna: Depends on what?
Doctor: Depends on the pregnancy and the person. There's a lot of personal hereditary factors.
Joanna: Do any of those hereditary factors include mental illness?
Doctor: Yes. Some.
Joanna: What about sociopathic tendencies? Yeah, that's just my side. His side's riddled with mental illness, garden variety addiction. So, we're pretty much screwed, right?