Craig: I didn't want my medals. I sent them all back.
Jeffries: I threw mine away years ago. I couldn't look at them without remembering everything I'd seen that I didn't want to think about it.
Craig: 50 years, I still can't talk about it.
Jeffries: Maybe it's time, Craig. Maybe it's time.

Jeffries: How did the DOJ find out you had this video in the first place?
Valdez: My money is on someone in the tech company we hired for de-encryption.
Stone: Not that it matters now.
Jeffries: It matters to me. You should have told them yourself.

Judge: Bail is set at $1 million -
Olsen: That's an insult to these two young men who dedicated their lives to serving this country.
Judge: I wasn't finished. Now, I'd like to thank you both from the bottom of my heart for your service. Bail is still 1 million smackers.

Nichols: Are you getting closer to finding out who killed my son?
Stone: We're making progress.

Valdez: What the hell was that?
Stone: Something we weren't supposed to see.

Laura: Trevor's publisher says he got an advance of $400,000 for his book.
Dawson: Wow. Maybe I should write a book.
Laura: All of a sudden, you got literary aspirations.
Dawson: What can I say? I'm a Renaissance Man.

Dawson: Trevor had a bank account with a quarter of a million dollars in it. Where'd all that money come from?
Mia: I don't know.
Dawson: Trevor was murdered. Now is not the time to keep secrets.

Tech: This is encrypted up the wazoo.
Stone: Anything you can't handle?
Tech: This is NSA-level classification. We farm it out to the private sector, maybe we get lucky.
Stone: Let's handle this one the old-fashioned way. This was no ordinary home invasion.

Dawson: So what did you do on your big night out?
Guy: We had a few drinks at Mr. Nichol's bar and then we went to some palce where all the waitresses were dressed in bikinis.
Laura: Big Mel's?
Guy: Yeah.
Dawson: What went down at Big Mel's?
Guy: Trevor was hammered. And this smoking hot - sorry... anyway, this waitress was all over him like honey on a biscuit.
Dawson: Was Trevor into her?
Guy: Oh yeah. He said he wanted to hang out, wait for her to get off work. So me and Mike bounced.
Dawson: So you left your drunk buddy who was about to get married alone to wait for some girl? Some wing men.

Father: We braced ourselves for this day when Trevor was deployed overseas, but we never thought -
Stone: How long was he in the Navy?
Father: 18 months.

Trevor's Dad: It was 68. Right in the mile of thing. Lemme tell you a story.
Trevor: Not the viper's nest.
Trevor's Dad: It was raining, could hardly see a thing. I put my foot down and wouldn't you know it, it was right in the middle of a viper's nest. So I pull out my K-20 and I cut the head off of the viper that was wrapped around my leg. And not only that, that viper holds up my pants to this day.

Chicago Justice Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Father: We braced ourselves for this day when Trevor was deployed overseas, but we never thought -
Stone: How long was he in the Navy?
Father: 18 months.

Trevor's Dad: It was 68. Right in the mile of thing. Lemme tell you a story.
Trevor: Not the viper's nest.
Trevor's Dad: It was raining, could hardly see a thing. I put my foot down and wouldn't you know it, it was right in the middle of a viper's nest. So I pull out my K-20 and I cut the head off of the viper that was wrapped around my leg. And not only that, that viper holds up my pants to this day.