Dr. Daniel Charles: You were in the, uh, what, the navy, right?
Dr. Ethan Choi: Still am. Naval Reserves.
Dr. Daniel Charles: Doc I did my residency with was on away leave from the Navy. Tough as hell practicing psychiatry with you guys. Couldn't get anybody to open up.
Dr. Ethan Choi: Could be a sign of weakness.

Mr. Rhodes: When you left this town, Connor, I was deeply hurt. Yeah, you ask Claire. But right now, I'm willing to put all that behind me. For the two of us to start over.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: That's a good pitch, dad. Really. You hit all the right notes. Not buying it.

What's the difference between God and a doctor? God knows he's not a doctor.

Dr. Zurney

Try thinking like a doctor and not like a pregnant woman.

Dr. Will Halstead

Dr. Will Halstead [grabbing tank of inhaled nitrous oxide]: I'm sorry, but I need this tank.
Dr. Nat Manning: What the hell are you doing?
Dr. Will Halstead: I have no other options.
Dr. Nat Manning: Give me that tank.

Maggie: Napkin diaper nut cups.
Dr. Natalie Manning: What?
Maggie: Napkin diaper nut cups. You fold up the colored napkin, you see, and then you hold it together safety pins, and then you stuff it...

Dr. Daniel Charles: So, it didn't occur to you that she might have dementia? That name didn't mean anything to you, "Connie Francis?"
Sarah Reeves: Should it have?
Dr. Daniel Charles: Oh, I'm so damn old. Just call her contact.

Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Maggie: Napkin diaper nut cups.
Dr. Natalie Manning: What?
Maggie: Napkin diaper nut cups. You fold up the colored napkin, you see, and then you hold it together safety pins, and then you stuff it...

Dr. Daniel Charles: So, it didn't occur to you that she might have dementia? That name didn't mean anything to you, "Connie Francis?"
Sarah Reeves: Should it have?
Dr. Daniel Charles: Oh, I'm so damn old. Just call her contact.