Ripley: Smart move, pulling in someone not bound my HIPAA.
Charles: I figured the last thing you needed was another lawsuit.

Abrams: Get your stuff. We're leaving.
Archer: You know you can't do that without DCFS approval.
Abrams: Move aside or I'll move you.
Archer: Sam. Don't make me call security.
Mrs. Abrams: Honey, I don't know.
Abrams: I can't believe you're doing this to my family.

Ripley: We're probably gonna settle.
Hannah: You seem thrilled.
Ripley: I've never been one to walk away from a fight especially when that dude is the one who messed up our... tea.

Liliana: He can't drive and I am not going to let him walk to the store. He is my brother.
Daniel: Sweetie. Do you think he really can't drive?
Liliana: I am sure Dr. Ripley did not mean to hurt Pavel but mistakes happen.
Daniel: There was no mistake. You were there!
Liliana: If we must have this conversation at all, we will have to continue it at home.

Peter: We'll draw up the settlement paperwork and send it to Pavel's lawyer. There will be some papers for you to sign on your end.
Sharon: Hold on. Dr, Ripley, ultimately it is your decision, and if you decide to fight this the hospital will defend you.
Peter: Reluctantly.
Sharon: Vigorously.
Ripley: Can I take some time to think it over?
Peter: What is there to think about?
Sharon: Take the day.
[Ripley leaves]
Peter: We are settling this case.

Ripley: Maggie, who the hell are these people?
Maggie: Apparently, they're members of a cult.

Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 9 Quotes

Peter: We'll draw up the settlement paperwork and send it to Pavel's lawyer. There will be some papers for you to sign on your end.
Sharon: Hold on. Dr, Ripley, ultimately it is your decision, and if you decide to fight this the hospital will defend you.
Peter: Reluctantly.
Sharon: Vigorously.
Ripley: Can I take some time to think it over?
Peter: What is there to think about?
Sharon: Take the day.
[Ripley leaves]
Peter: We are settling this case.

Ripley: Maggie, who the hell are these people?
Maggie: Apparently, they're members of a cult.