Hannah: Significant lesion on the lung. You think it's cancerous?
Ripley: I'm pretty sure. I tried to get him to go for treatment a few weeks ago, but it didn't go well.
Hannah: I'm surprised Lynne didn't say anything. Wait... she doesn't know?
Ripley: I tried to get him to tell her, but he kept dodging, so I backed off.
Hannah: I don't get it. He's your old friend but you can't sit him down and have an honest conversation with him?
Ripley: What am I supposed to do? He's my patient. I have to honor his desire for confidentiality.

Trauma is all about mile markers. When to resuscitate and when to go to surgery. WHen to keep stitching or pack and bail out.


Jay: I don't need a psychiatrist.
Charles: Okay.
Jay: You're only gonna tell me what I already know. That I have depression.

Maggie: Thanks for the coffee. How much do I owe you?
Loren: Nothing. Least I can do, considering you saved my life.

Sharon: Legally, I don't expect charges to be filed, but emotionally, he's shattered.
Archer: Yeah. He learned what it really feels like to shoot someone.

Nathan: What if the problem was me? Bad husband, neglecting her... what if I"m ther season she jumped?
Charles: Nathan, no. The reasons people take their own lives are mysterious and complex and it's rarely any one thing or one person.

Archer: What is this, bark?
EMT: When we got there, he was going toe-to-toe with a tree.
Archer: I'm guessing the tree won.

Kendall: I'm trying to stay positive, but you said Carson wouldn't last a week on ECHMO and it's been three.
Marcel: Yea, well, we've come this far. Gotta keep the faith.

Ripley: Smart move, pulling in someone not bound my HIPAA.
Charles: I figured the last thing you needed was another lawsuit.

Abrams: Get your stuff. We're leaving.
Archer: You know you can't do that without DCFS approval.
Abrams: Move aside or I'll move you.
Archer: Sam. Don't make me call security.
Mrs. Abrams: Honey, I don't know.
Abrams: I can't believe you're doing this to my family.

Ripley: We're probably gonna settle.
Hannah: You seem thrilled.
Ripley: I've never been one to walk away from a fight especially when that dude is the one who messed up our... tea.

Liliana: He can't drive and I am not going to let him walk to the store. He is my brother.
Daniel: Sweetie. Do you think he really can't drive?
Liliana: I am sure Dr. Ripley did not mean to hurt Pavel but mistakes happen.
Daniel: There was no mistake. You were there!
Liliana: If we must have this conversation at all, we will have to continue it at home.

Chicago Med Season 9 Quotes

Maggie: Is that even possible?
Mitchell: Yeah. He's internally decapitated. Only thing holding his head on is this screw.

Sharon: Maggie, if you need an extra pair of hands, I could put some gloves on.
Maggie: I just might take you up on that.