Sharon: Have you seen Bert lately?
Charles: No. Actually, now that you mention it, I called him a few weeks ago but he was in a hurry and said he'd call me back but he never did.
Sharon: Are you at all worried about his memory?
Charles: Because of that? We all do that. I mean, I've been guilty of it myself.

Your wife is very sick but we're going to take good care of her.


His preventative care insurance was preventing him from getting care.


Zola: First D-pick?
Asher: So, what was he thinking, he'd send me this and I'd just start swooning?

Jordan: Both my father and his father dropped dead of heart attacks out of the blue at my age
Archer: I'm sorry to hear that, but you did not have a heart attack.
Jordan: Then why did I collapse?
Archer: Most likely a transient heart rhythm. THey're not uncommon, but it doesn't mean anything. It was just a blip.
Jordan: It was not just a blip. It was the family curse, and now it's my turn.

Ahmad: Insurance companies, all they do is get in the way.
Maggie: I agree, but we have to work with them.

Zola: Where'd you get this scar, Floyd?
Floyd: Week after I was born. It's been so long I don't remember what it's called. Misrotation?
Zola: Malrotation?
Floyd: That's it. I came out of my mama with my insides all over the place. Doctors had to put it back in the right spot. Think that's why my guts a mess now?

Archer: I appreciate for the low-key welcome. I was worrie people would make a big deal.
Asher: You mean like a congrats on your new kidney banner? No, we just delivered surprise triplets. Kind of stole your thunder.

Marcel: You know, there are advantages to being accepted by management. You get seen and you get invited into rooms where you might be able to actually make an impact.
Ahmad: Thanks, but I'm not sure that's the kind of impact I want to make.

I've been through enough divorces to know that spontaneous weeping is part of the deal.


Nick: Hannah.
Hannah: Nick.
Nick: How did you know?
Hannah: I just delivered your baby.

What is this? I say something to you in a clinical setting, I don't expect to see it posted all over social media, you understand?


Chicago Med Season 9 Quotes

Maggie: Is that even possible?
Mitchell: Yeah. He's internally decapitated. Only thing holding his head on is this screw.

Sharon: Maggie, if you need an extra pair of hands, I could put some gloves on.
Maggie: I just might take you up on that.