Still sleeping with the enemy, huh? It's going to get messy.

Lucy [to Arlene]

Please, not Zlata. Do you have any idea how lethal that woman is? I heard she murdered a family of five and turned them into life-sized nesting dolls.

Dr. Ken [to Arlene and Lucy]

Zlata: No need to bullshit, my friend. You want more money. I respect that. It's good you don't steal. You come to me. You steal, you know what happen? I give you second bris.
Dr. Ken: I won't. I need all the penis I have.

Dr. Ken: If you keep doing this, [Roller] is going to die.
Zlata: Don't be such pussy. In Russia, this is baby baptism.

Quiet Ann: Des, let's just think this through.
Desna: No, I'm done thinking about it. I'm not going to be played the fool no more.

Desna: You look tore up. You sure you don't want to sit this one out.
Roller: This is Monday for me, baby.

Zlata: Blow hard, tiny girl.
Little customer: We're called little people, asshole.

Polly: [Desna] had [a wedding dress], but she said it was too sexy. She decides she needed to cover up the twins.
Zlata: That's a big job.

Desna: Clay, you idiot! I almost blew your damn head off.
Uncle Daddy: Good shot too. I didn't think you had it in you.

Desna: The plan is to burn it.
Uncle Daddy: I'm from the South. We burn crosses and matches after we take a shit.

I don't mind being a corner boy. Give me an A ball. I need a Gucci bag.


If someone's trying to give you money, take it like a welfare queen.

Polly [to Jenn]

Claws Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Please, not Zlata. Do you have any idea how lethal that woman is? I heard she murdered a family of five and turned them into life-sized nesting dolls.

Dr. Ken [to Arlene and Lucy]

Still sleeping with the enemy, huh? It's going to get messy.

Lucy [to Arlene]