Tory: LaRusso, I'm not here to fight. I'm here to talk.
Sam: About what?
Tory: You didn't lose the All Valley.

If I can change, and you can change, then everybody can change.


Devon: You want me to fight Sam LaRusso?
Kim: No. I want you to defeat her.

Gunther: And who are you?
Daniel: I'm Sensei Daniel LaRusso, two-time All-Valley champion.
Johnny: Sensei Johnny Lawrence, also two-time champion.
Chozen: Chozen Toguchi. Master Sensei.
Amanda: Amanda LaRusso, karate-adjacent.

Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 8 Quotes

Gunther: And who are you?
Daniel: I'm Sensei Daniel LaRusso, two-time All-Valley champion.
Johnny: Sensei Johnny Lawrence, also two-time champion.
Chozen: Chozen Toguchi. Master Sensei.
Amanda: Amanda LaRusso, karate-adjacent.

Devon: You want me to fight Sam LaRusso?
Kim: No. I want you to defeat her.