Grace: If I'm supposed to stick close to the truth, why can't I say you and my dad worked together?
Snyder: Because some people didn't like what me and your dad did in Los Angeles. It's not always fair, but that's the way some people think.
Grace: What did you do?
Snyder: We kept you alive.

Girl: How many have you gotten out?
Broussard: Not enough to balance the ledger.

Bram: Why would the Resistance attack?
Snyder: Why do you trust people you've never met?

Katie: I know you don't understand. You don't have kids.
Snyder: I have a daughter.
Bram: Since when.
Snyder: She was born.

Katie: Is that what they look like inside the suit?
Will: I don't know. Someone's gonna be looking for this thing. We gotta get outta here.

Snyder: You know, in my experience, you don't have to work so hard to find a problem. They tend to find you.
Will: Less talkin' more walkin'.
Snyder: I'm trying. You know, your legs are about nine feet long!

I'm just encouraging you to pursue your hobby. For all our sakes.


Snyder: There are moderate aliens?
Helena: Yes, and they are overruled. And in light of Alcala's regime, I can't say that I disagree with them.

Snyder: Is the gauntlet here?
Will: Of course not.
Snyder: Good. I want to come with you.
Will: Why?
Snyder: Because our hosts have decided that Los Angeles is no longer in their future plans. Total rendition is coming.
Broussard: What the hell is total rendition?
Snyder: Our glorious hosts come into the bloc, round up every human they can find and take them to the factory, just like that.
Will: Why? Why are they doing this?
Snyder: To put it bluntly, because of him [points to Broussard].

You go with us, you live to fight another day. You stay here with the gauntlet, you die.


Helena: I got the call last night. You were in such a good mood, that I didn't want to ruin it.
Snyder: By giving me a heads up that the world was going to end.

Katie: What is that?
Will: I think it's a numbers station.

Colony Quotes

Will: Why am I here?
Proxy Snyder: To turn crisis into opportunity.

Katie: He's a good kid.
Will: They're all good kids.