Det. McAvoy: Unearthing the past can cause a lot of problems for a lot of people.
Jenny: I like being a problem.
Det. McAvoy: Me too.

Jenny: I'm a widow.
Liam: What?
Jenny: I'm a ... I'm a widow. Sorry, I don't know why I'm telling you this.
Liam: What, uh, what, how did your husband die?
Jenny: Uh an aneurysm. He was only forty.
Liam: I'm sorry. I just, uh, I didn't know.
Jenny: You, come on, you knew I was married?
Liam: No, I, You know what, maybe this is a weird conversation.
Jenny: No, no, my husband spent all of our money, before he died. Yeah, he had a gambling problem, so he took out a second mortgage, he gambled that away, he didn't pay our life insurance premium, so I'm, I'm gonna have to sell my house, and ... um, so, uh, what about you? You smell like travel?
Liam: Um, I was in the army. Afghanistan.
Jenny: What did you do there?
Liam: I killed a bunch of people.

Dr. Peterson: She was an addict who hanged herself and the boy followed suit.
Jenny; No. Don't. We are supposed to speak for the dead, and how am I supposed to do that with ... with this? I wanna re-examine Kevin and Danielle's bodies myself.
Dr. Peterson: You can't. I released them.
Jenny: What?
Dr. Peterson: I released them.
Jenny: You're fired.
Dr. Peterson: Excuse me?!
Jenny; Congratulations Dr. Allen. You're promoted to senior pathologist.
Dr. Peterson: You can't fire me!
Jenny: You are arrogant! You cut corners! And you are not gonna change! It is you, or it is me, and it is not me!

Jenny: Are you gonna sing the whole way?
Det. McAvoy: Are you gonna cry? (singing) Now I'm a gonna try, to put fun in your life. (speaking) Investigating deaths isn't for everyone. You're part of a fundamental truth of the human experience. Aside from that, it can be gloomy and lonely.
Jenny: Kind of condescending when men give women advice.
Det. McAvoy: It's not coming from that place. You sem a little obsessive and a little lonely and that could take you to a dark place. There's no shame in saying "this isn't for me."
Jenny: It is for me.
Det. McAvoy: How do you know?
Jenny: I just know!

Det. McAvoy: Hey, I thought we'd drive out together.
Jenny: That's because you know I don't need a warrant to get back into the prison.
Det. McAvoy: No, I enjoy your company.

Jenny; Hey, do you and your friends ever talk about suicide?
Ross: Not in like a proactive way or like a worrying way. I like being alive, okay. Why?
Jenny: It's just my case.
Ross: Oh. You have a case!
Jenny: It's just they're, they're young kids, I'm trying to get inside their mind, figure out why they'd do something so desperate. Oh, autopsy photos, go. Don't look at them.
Ross: Okay. You know, I think the thing is that people forget that, you're passions run so high.
Jenny: When you're a teenager?
Ross: Like nothing's ever neutral.
Jenny: And you think things are neutral for me?
Ross: No. You're sad. Because of dad.
Jenny; And I know you're sad too.

Jenny: Go change the baby.
Taylor: You know I'm a detective, right?
Jenny: That's how I know you can find the diapers.

Dr. Peterson: She convulsed when she hanged
Jenny: She was actually suspended and her shoes were on when I found her so, I don't think so.
Dr. Peterson: You don't think so?
Jenny: I had an instinct.
Dr. Peterson: How can you have instincts when you don't know anything?
Jenny: I'm s- I'm sorry, what?
Dr. Peterson: They're called guesses. What you're doing is guessing. I've been a pathologist for 20 years and before this, you were what, a GP?
Jenny: I was an ER doctor.
Dr. Peterson: I stay competent year after year and the coroners just get younger and more, but how bout this, I will write up my findings and then you can sign off on them, okay?

Coroner Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Jenny: Go change the baby.
Taylor: You know I'm a detective, right?
Jenny: That's how I know you can find the diapers.

Dr. Peterson: She convulsed when she hanged
Jenny: She was actually suspended and her shoes were on when I found her so, I don't think so.
Dr. Peterson: You don't think so?
Jenny: I had an instinct.
Dr. Peterson: How can you have instincts when you don't know anything?
Jenny: I'm s- I'm sorry, what?
Dr. Peterson: They're called guesses. What you're doing is guessing. I've been a pathologist for 20 years and before this, you were what, a GP?
Jenny: I was an ER doctor.
Dr. Peterson: I stay competent year after year and the coroners just get younger and more, but how bout this, I will write up my findings and then you can sign off on them, okay?