How can I make Jess suffer if he’s locked up in a jail? He deserves the punishment I had planned for him.


Logan: I am no one’s side dish, Easton Saunders.
Easton: Touché.

I know my son’s a fool, but even he’s not able to plan a murder.

Mr. Haynesworth

Logan: Jess Haynesworth, you’re under arrest for the murder of Aaron Robertson. Please come to the station.
Chelsea: What are you doing? Leave him alone! He hasn’t done anything! Jess, dad… someone!
Jess: Don’t worry about me, sis. You’re the only one who believes in me.

Counter Play Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Logan: Jess Haynesworth, you’re under arrest for the murder of Aaron Robertson. Please come to the station.
Chelsea: What are you doing? Leave him alone! He hasn’t done anything! Jess, dad… someone!
Jess: Don’t worry about me, sis. You’re the only one who believes in me.

I know my son’s a fool, but even he’s not able to plan a murder.

Mr. Haynesworth